
Jul 20, 2023

Prevent duplicate celery tasks

celery-singleton uses the JSON representation of a task’s delay or apply_async arguments to generate a unique lock and stores it in redis. By default it uses the redis server of the celery result backend. If you use a different/no result backend or want to use a different redis server for celery-singleton, refer the configuration section for how to customize the redis.

import time from celery_singleton import Singleton from somewhere import celery_app

@celery_app.taskbase=Singleton def do_stuff*args, **kwargs time.sleep4 return ‘I just woke up’

run the task as normal

async_result = do_stuff.delay1, 2, 3, a=’b’ async_result2 = do_stuff.delay1, 2, 3, a=’b’

These are the same, task is only queued once

assert async_result == async_result2

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