
Jul 20, 2023

Manage SQL queries as a Python API

So you don’t want to use ORM, and want to organize your SQL queries in a convenient way. Don’t mix them with your python code, don’t write execute and fetchrows by hand for each query. With aesqlapius

  • Store your SQL queries separate from the code, in a dedicated file or directory hierarchy
  • Annotate each query with python-like function definition specifying input arguments and output types and patterns

aesqlapius builds a class out of this, where you can call your queries as plain methods. It handles arguments pass positional or keyword arguments as you like, default values are also handled and output types and patterns you may specify whether a method returns iterator, list, dict of rows, or a single row, where row may be represented as a tuple, list, dict, single value or a custom type such as a dataclass.

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  • Xrootd - Framework for fast, low latency, scalable data access
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  • Xapian-core12 - Probabilistic text search database engine
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  • Wfb2sql - CIA World Fact Book to SQL Conversion Utility
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  • Vsqlite - Well designed and portable SQLite3 Wrapper for C++