
Jul 20, 2023

Tools for MongoDB 4.4.x and up

Useful utilities for managing a MongoDB instance written in Go.

  • bsondump - display BSON files in a human-readable format
  • mongoimport - Convert data from JSON, TSV or CSV and insert them into a collection
  • mongoexport - Write an existing collection to CSV or JSON format
  • mongodump/mongorestore - Dump MongoDB backups to disk in .BSON format, or restore them to a live database
  • mongostat - Monitor live MongoDB servers, replica sets, or sharded clusters
  • mongofiles - Read, write, delete, or update files in GridFS
  • mongotop - Monitor read/write activity on a mongo server

See also https//

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zodb3 - Z - Object Database for python
  • Zodb - Python object-oriented database
  • Zabbix22-libzbxpgsql - Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers
  • Xtrabackup8 - Open-source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB
  • Xtrabackup - OpenSource version of InnoDB backup with support of Percona extensions
  • Xrootd - Framework for fast, low latency, scalable data access
  • Xls2txt - Utilities to convert spreadsheet files to text and csv formats
  • Xapian-core12 - Probabilistic text search database engine
  • Xapian-core10 - Probabilistic text search database engine
  • Xapian-core - Probabilistic text search database engine
  • Xapian-bindings12 - Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages
  • Xapian-bindings - Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages
  • Wfb2sql - CIA World Fact Book to SQL Conversion Utility
  • Webdis - HTTP interface for Redis
  • Vsqlite - Well designed and portable SQLite3 Wrapper for C++