
Jul 20, 2023

Perl interface to the Basecamp API webservice

Basecamp is a web based project collaboration tool that makes it simple to communicate and collaborate on projects. Basecamp is built on the Ruby on Rails platform but provides a webservice API to many of the application functions. WebServiceBasecamp is a Perl interface to the Basecamp web service API.

For more information on Basecamp, visit the Basecamp website. http//www.basecamphq.com.

This module does much of the heavy lifting for you when accessing the Basecamp API. Once initialising a WebServiceBasecamp object you can access the API function via method calls. The module takes care of the creation and parsing of the XML using XMLSimple that relays the data across the web service, however there is an option to access the XML directly see new.

The documentation for this module is based on the Basecamp API docs available at http//www.basecamphq.com/api. It is recommended you read the official docs to become familiar with the data reference.

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