
Jul 20, 2023

Tensorflow backend for ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)

TensorFlow Backend and Frontend for ONNX allowing ONNX to inter-operate with TensofFlow.

In the world of open-source platforms, FreeBSD stands out as an advanced and high-performance operating system that is primarily used by network and security practitioners. Among its many features, the FreeBSD Ports system shines as its jewel, providing a simple way to compile and install third-party applications. This compilation also includes various libraries required to run the software.

For today’s post, within the realm of the misc category, we will closely examine the py-onnx-tf FreeBSD port. This port is a well-known package that allows you to import models from ONNX Open Neural Network Exchange and convert them into TensorFlow’s computational graph format.

Just as a note, ONNX is an open computational graph model for machine learning that was primarily designed to enable interoperability among different ML platforms.

First Things First

To work with py-onnx-tf port on FreeBSD, you need to perform a fresh installation of the port onto the FreeBSD system. To do this, run the following commands on your terminal

cd /usr/ports/misc/py-onnx-tf/
make install clean

This will take a while as FreeBSD will fetch all the dependencies required to build the py-onnx-tf port. Once completed, you can now proceed to use the port.

How to use the py-onnx-tf port

ONNX-Tensorflow, or py-onnx-tf, is a python library created to facilitate the conversion of ONNX models to TensorFlow. Below are the general steps to convert ONNX models to TensorFlow models.

Step 1 Import the required modules

Start by importing the required modules into your python environment. Run the following command.

from onnx_tf.backend import prepare

Step 2 Loading ONNX model

The next step is to load the ONNX file into memory. You can achieve this by running the following command.

import onnx
onnx_model = onnx.load'path/to/the/model.onnx' 

Remember to replace 'path/to/the/model.onnx' with the actual path to your ONNX file.

Step 3 Converting ONNX model to TensorFlow model

This stage is where the conversion from ONNX to TensorFlow takes place. To accomplish this, execute the following command on your python environment.

tf_rep = prepareonnx_model 

Testing the TensorFlow model

To make sure that your TensorFlow model is working correctly, you can feed in data to the TensorFlow model and verify the output. You can perform this with the code below

import numpy as np
output = tf_rep.runnp.random.randn1, 3, 224, 224.astypenp.float32

Combination with other FreeBSD Ports

The FreeBSD Ports system has other related packages that nicely pairs with the py-onnx-tf port. For example, when working with and pre-processing data for your ONNX model creations, you could use Python-based ports such as py-numpy, py-scipy, and py-pandas.

You could also combine py-onnx-tf with other machine learning related ports such as py-scikit-learn or py-tensorflow that are readily available on FreeBSD. This could significantly boost your work output, and open up opportunities for more experimentations and refinements.

For IT security purposes, as you handle delicate models and data, we advise using security tools available in FreeBSD ports like [nmap]https// Implementing such tools would ensure the protection of your data and overall FreeBSD system.


Open-source technology has significantly revolutionized the manner in which we conduct scientific research, analytics, and operations. The py-onnx-tf FreeBSD port opens up new possibilities in the machine learning industry, allowing users to leverage the power of ONNX and TensorFlow efficiently.

The transitions between different machine learning frameworks is seamless like never before, all thanks to open-source packages like py-onnx-tf. When paired with the versatility and security of the FreeBSD operating system, it becomes a tool capable of transforming the way we work with machine learning.

We hope this article has given you insights on how you can utilize the py-onnx-tf FreeBSD port to allow for broader interoperability among different machine learning platforms. The possibilities for data transformations and machine learning applications are endless. So, dive in today, and start experimenting.

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