
Jul 20, 2023

Parsing and pattern matching made easy

Parsley is a parsing library for people who find parsers scary or annoying. I wrote it because I wanted to parse a programming language, and tools like PLY or ANTLR or Bison were very hard to understand and integrate into my Python code. Most parser generators are based on LL or LR parsing algorithms that compile to big state machine tables. It was like I had to wake up a different section of my brain to understand or work on grammar rules.

Parsley, like pyparsing and ZestyParser, uses the PEG algorithm, so each expression in the grammar rules works like a Python expression. In particular, alternatives are evaluated in order, unlike table-driven parsers such as yacc, bison or PLY.

Parsley is an implementation of OMeta, an object-oriented pattern-matching language developed by Alessandro Warth.

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  • Zthread - Platform-independent object-oriented C++ threading library
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  • Zfp - High throughput library for compressed floating-point arrays
  • Zeal - Offline documentation browser
  • Zapcc - C++ caching compiler based on clang
  • Zanata-platform - Web-based translation platform
  • Zanata-cli - Zanata Java command line client
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  • Z80ex - ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator library
  • Z80asm - Assembler for the Z80 microprocessor
  • Z80-asm - Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler