
Jul 20, 2023

Advanced graphical file manager written in Vala

Advanced file manager for Unix-like systems written in Vala. Supports multiple panes single, dual, quad with multiple tabs in each pane. Supports archive creation, extraction, and browsing. Support for cloud storage; running and managing KVM images, modifying PDF documents and image files, booting ISO files in KVM, writing ISO files to USB drives.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Xfe - Fast MS-Explorer like file manager for X
  • Xdiskusage - Show where disk space is taken up
  • Xcruise - Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system
  • Worker - X11 file manager based on Directory Opus of AmigaOS
  • Wcmcommander - Multi-platform open source file manager
  • Twander - Better Filesystem Browser
  • Thunar - Xfce file manager
  • Thunar-vfs - Virtual filesystem for Thunar
  • Tdfsb -
  • Sushi - Tool similar to Gloobus Preview that provides quick file previews
  • Sunflower - Twin-panel file manager
  • Rox-session - Simple session manager for the ROX desktop
  • Rox-mime-editor - MIME type editor for the ROX desktop
  • Rox-filer - Simple and easy to use graphical file manager
  • Rodent - Fast, small, and powerful file manager