
Jul 20, 2023

Python based web framework

The Pylons web framework is aimed at making webapps and large programmatic website development in Python easy. Several key points

  • A framework to make writing web applications in Python easy
  • Inspired by Rails and TurboGears
  • Utilizes a minimalist, component-based philosophy that makes it easy to expand on
  • Harness existing knowledge about Python

Pylons makes it easy to expand on your knowledge of Python to master Pylons for web development. Using a MVC style dispath, Python knowledge is used at various levels

  • The Controller is just a basic Python class, called for each request. Customizing the response is as easy as overriding call to make your webapp work how you want.
  • Myghty templating compiles directly to Python byte-code for speed and utilizes Python for template control rather than creating its own template syntax for “for, while, etc”

WWW http//

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zope213 - Object-based web application platform Version 2.13
  • Zola - Fast static site generator
  • Zgrab2 - Fast Go application scanner
  • Zerowait-httpd - Lightweight and fast http server
  • Zenphoto - Simpler web photo gallery
  • Zend-framework - Framework for developing PHP web applications
  • Yuicompressor - The Yahoo! JavaScript and CSS Compressor
  • Ytdl - YouTube downloader written in Go
  • Yt-dlp - Command-line program for downloading videos from various platforms
  • Youtube_dl - Program for downloading videos from various services
  • Yourls - Your Own URL Shortener
  • You-get - Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
  • Yaws - Web server for dynamic content written in Erlang
  • Yarr - Yet another rss reader
  • Yarn - Package manager for node, alternative to npm (meta port)