
Jul 20, 2023

Utilities for Simulation, Plots, Quantile Functions and Programming

Plot density and distribution functions with automatic selection of suitable regions. Numerically invert compute quantiles distribution functions. Simulate real and complex numbers from distributions of their magnitude and arguments. Optionally, the magnitudes and/or arguments may be fixed in almost arbitrary ways. Create polynomials from roots given in Cartesian or polar form. Small programming utilities check if an object is identical to NA, count positional arguments in a call, set intersection of more than two sets, check if an argument is unnamed, compute the graph of S4 classes in packages.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zn_poly - C library for polynomial arithmetic
  • Zimpl - Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps
  • Zegrapher - Software for plotting mathematical objects
  • Zarray - Dynamically typed N-D expression system based on xtensor
  • Z3 - Z3 Theorem Prover
  • Yices - SMT solver
  • Yacas - Yet Another Computer Algebra System
  • Xtensor - Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing
  • Xtensor-python - Python bindings for xtensor
  • Xtensor-io - Xtensor plugin to read/write images, audio files, numpy npz and HDF5
  • Xtensor-blas - BLAS extension to xtensor
  • Xspread - Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
  • Xppaut - Graphical tool for solving differential equations, etc
  • Xplot - X11 plotting package
  • Xlife++ - XLiFE++ eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++