
Jul 20, 2023

Agile dynamic language for the JVM

Groovy is an agile dynamic language for the Java 2 Platform that has many of the features that people like so much in languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk, making them available to Java developers using a Java-like syntax.

Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java 2 Platform in a quick, concise and fun way. Groovy brings the power of a scripting language directly into the Java 2 Platform. For example

  • Shell scripting using Groovy allows the full power of the Java Platform to be brought to bear to the task at hand.
  • Groovy can be used and indeed is already being used as a replacement for Java for small and medium sized applications to execute on the Java 2 Platform.
  • Groovy can be used as an embedded language for dynamic business rules or extension points utilizing the agility of Groovy and saving the cost of redeploying applications for each change of rule especially when the rules are stored in a database.
  • Groovy makes writing test cases for unit tests very easy.

As well as being a powerful language for scripting Java objects, Groovy can be used as an alternative compiler to javac to generate standard Java bytecode to be used by any Java project.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zig - Language designed for robustness, optimality, and maintainability
  • Zephir - Zephir is a transpiled language used for creating C-extensions for PHP
  • Ypsilon - Scheme implementation for real-time applications
  • Yorick - Interpreted language for scientific simulations
  • Yap - High-performance Prolog compiler
  • Yap-devel - High-performance Prolog compiler
  • Yabasic - Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
  • Voc - Vishap Oberon Compiler for Oberon-2
  • Vala - Programming language and compiler that converts Vala code into C code
  • V8 - Open source JavaScript engine by Google
  • V8-beta - Open source JavaScript engine by Google
  • V - V Programming Language
  • Urweb - Ultimate host for embedded domain-specific languages
  • Ucc - C Compiler Which Implements the ANSI C89 Standard
  • Twelf - Meta-logical framework for deductive systems