
Jul 20, 2023

Minimalistic JSON

JSONTiny is a standalone adaptation of MojoJSON, from the Mojolicious framework. It has been adapted as a single-source-file module of under 350 lines of code and core-only dependencies.

Key features include relaxed JSON handling, transparent Unicode support, speed, small memory footprint, and a minimal code base ideal for bundling or inlining.

MojoJSON was chosen as a model because it is robust, minimal, and well tested. MojoJSON’s tests were also adapted to a design free of non-core dependencies.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zbase32 - Base32 Encoder/Decoder
  • Ytnef - Unpack data in MS Outlook TNEF format
  • Yj - Convert between YAML, TOML, JSON, and HCL
  • Yj-bruceadams - Command line tool that converts YAML to JSON
  • Xml2c - Convert an XML file into C struct/string declarations
  • Xdeview - X11 program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
  • Wkhtmltopdf - Convert HTML (or live webpages) to PDF or image
  • Uulib - Library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
  • Uudeview - Program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
  • Unix2dos - Convert ASCII newlines between CR/LF and LF
  • Tuc - Text to Unix Conversion
  • Trans - Character encoding converter generator
  • Tnef - Unpack data in MS Outlook TNEF format
  • Ta2as - TASM to AT&T asm syntax converter (GNU AS)
  • Showkey - Display cooked key sequences (keycap-to-keystrokes mappings)