
Jul 20, 2023

East Asian Width properties

UnicodeEastAsianWidth provide user-defined Unicode properties that deal with width status of East Asian characters, as specified in http//www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr11/.

It exports the following functions to the caller’s scope, to be used by Perl’s Unicode matching system InEastAsianFullwidth, InEastAsianHalfwidth, InEastAsianAmbiguous, InEastAsianNarrow InEastAsianWide, InEastAsianNeutral.

In accord to TR11 cited above, two additional context-sensitive properties are exported InFullwidth union of Fullwidth and Wide and InHalfwidth union of Halfwidth, Narrow and Neutral.

Ambiguous characters are treated by default as part of InHalfwidth, but you can modify this behaviour by assigning a true value to $UnicodeEastAsianWidthEastAsian at compile time within a BEGIN block before loading this module

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